tik ...tik..tik... clock is running

Once upon a time, while I’m still study, my Professor once had said …

“Things that cannot be recover …;

The stone after the throw
The word after it said
The occasion after the lose
The time after it’s gone “ ~~quote taken from my prior professor
... … … … … … …

If we wish to turn back time, for sure we’ll pick up the past mistake or mess we had did in previous, or to make thing get even better… but life doesn’t allow that to be happen. As the time passes by, the moments flow, the words remains said. There nothing that we can do to undo those.
Sometimes we tend to care so much to things that we had in the past.

“if I can turn back time …. I will ….”

“if I can change something in the past…it would be …”

“I wish to get back at the time ….”

There a lot of mess or mistake we want to pick up again and change it to be better, and maybe there were a lot of happy moment that we wish to repeat again …
We bound for the things happened in the past. Its like the flash movie lingering in our mind, continuously. Fellow, just let it go, that is why it be called memories, something that stick to be as what it was. Whatever things happen in the past, take it as something that motivate you to move on today, and tomorrow, and future that still wait in front. ..Silently the future remain mystery..

Yet, I belief no matter how much we bound for the past, and how much we eager to know what next in the future, the important part of all is Today, the present. It is the key of life; whatever we do today will give impact for the future. We create our own story base on every present day we have. so fellow, let us be wiser handle this tricky and awkward life. We have to make sure, in everything we do, it must be something that we will not regret in the future. But somehow it is OK to fail, it is OK to felt the mess, though we learn life from that.

A baby fall a lot of time before he/she start crawling , he/she cries, its hurt, but still eager to try, and again falling a lot of time even more before he/she start stand and walking, next to be running….the baby is us today…thou we learn so much…and there a lot more to be learn.

"The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present."~ Joan Rivers

~wif♥ Lavenderwind


  1. i wish i can wrote in english too..but my english so poor..

    jika masa bisa dikembalikan..akan ku pinta saat sejarah hitam berlaku..akan ku halang ianya berlaku..tapi apakan daya ianya tetap berlaku dan yang nyata kini aku semkain matanag atau 'hilang' mungkin..

  2. Dear lavender
    tik..tik..tik..time is running
    when it happen to stop
    it's the end of everythings

  3. the phrase that i always utter...
    'If I could.. I would..'

    But we won't be able to turn back the time.
    Though.. at times, I do lament. But I won't change want I have now for what I had lost.

    'make the most of today' that's for sure.

    I like this post! :)

  4. kudos. :)

    tis very humane. i mean, who hadn't said those? 'i wish i could's?

    we'll nvr learn if we can turn back time. :)

    agreed. more than anything.

  5. Too Eer is human to forgive is not my policy - aku kejam walau tak selalu

    *its better to love death than to hate life


  6. How I wish I can turn back those time..

  7. indah hidup ini jika boleh ber "kalau" seperti apa yang kita mahu...

    tapi banyak buruk dari baiknya...

    mungkin itu hikmahnya masa tidak boleh diputar semula

  8. Salam...
    One normal characteristic of a human being is the ability to recall the past. Thats because our brain is able to keep uncountable memories, one of the GIFT from Allah. We should be very greatful and use our brain to the fullest along the right path of what Allah has instructed with the guidence from Muhammad s.a.w.

  9. tengah hari jangan jeling periuk, tuhan nampak!

  10. saye suke entry ni..very meaningful..n yet very thoughtful..
    'kalau..' xkan pernah berlaku..



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